Week 9 Reading Notes: The Life of Buddha - Reading A

 For this week, I decided to do the readings of The Life of Buddha (by Andre Ferdinand Herold) because I am interested in using the idea of the story-telling method of the jakartas. These stories are all told by one individual, the Master, which is Buddha. In my own storybook, I am using a village chief as the overarching story teller.

Maya's Dream and The Birth of Siddhartha 

  • Tells the story of the family Buddha picked to be born into, a family of a king and queen
  • Maya was suddenly able to heal all kinds of ailments
  • Queen Maya insists that her child be born amidst flowers, and the king, Suddhodana, allowed this request
  • The garden was embellished with silver and gold
  • A whole procession brought Maya to where she would have her child
  • A cleansing light traveled throughout, healing all
  • Buddha was originally given the name Siddhartha
  • Buddha was to be the one who saved the people from rebirth
  • Asita tells the king he received this honor because of his kindness and sense of duty
  • the boy had marks of omnipotence, and Asita began to weep when seeing these
    • He weeps because he is nearing death but the boy, the destroyer of the evils of rebirth, has just been born
Little notes from various stories
  • The boy was honored by the Indian gods
  • Maya died soon after birthing her son
    • But after the birth of her son, things become great, fertile lands, fertile women with successful childbirth, and more
  • the boy was constantly brought toys growing up under the care of his aunt
  • Buddha was taught by Visvamitra, one of wisest men in Indian tradition


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