Reading Notes Week 6 Reading A: Twenty-Two Goblins
Twenty-Two Goblins, Arthur W. Ryder (1917)
The Brave Man, the Wise Man, and the Clever Man. To which should the girl be given?
- A riddle was given to the King Triple-Victory by the goblin, which the king successfully solved, causing him to have to return to the sissoo tree to once again retrieve the body the goblin took over
- The daughter of a king, Moonlight, was very beautiful and full of charm and said she would only marry a man that was brave, wise, or clever
- Her father found a clever man on his way to make a treaty for war and peace with another king
- Promised his daughter to this man who made a chariot that could fly
- Appointed marriage for 7th day
- But the girl's brother had also promised her to a brave man with excellent skill with weapons and appointed marriage for 7th day, after consulting star-gazers
- The mother ALSO promised the girl's hand in marriage for the 7th day to a wise man, who told her about the past and the future
- when the 3 men arrived, Moonlight had disappeared
- The wise man said a giant had kidnapped her and he knew where she was
- The clever man built a chariot to get them there quickly
- The brave man fought and killed the giant, ultimately saving the girl
- The three men argued who should be her groom and the father stood confused
- King Triple-Victory says that the brave man should marry her, as he saved her and a star-gazer (the wise man) and a chariot-maker (the clever man) work for others, so they were just helpers
- And the king was right so he returned to the sissoo tree to retrieve the goblin once again
The Three Delicate Wives of King Virtue-banner. Which is most delicate?
- King Virtue-banner had 3 delicate wives
- the first was injured by a lotus petal falling upon her
- the second was injured by moonbeams falling upon her skin
- the third had bruised hands from simply hearing the grinding of pestles
- The King-Triple Victory correctly answered that the third wife was the most delicate, having been injured by just the sound of the pestles
The stories from the Twenty-Two goblins all seem to have pretty similar themes, with beautiful women and a choice to be made.
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